Tuesday, November 6, 2007





Mild calm shelter which is ideal to relax, from which there is a magnificent view: the most elevated artificial lake in the whole country.

El Mollar is a tourist village located at the sides of Nuñorco Hill, east of Tafí Valley. Its growth, as well as all Tafí Valley and Calchaquí Valleys, is related to the road inaugurated in the 40´s. El Mollar has been an archaeological settling of great importance. In the middle of the twentieth century, Doctor Rex Gonzalez discovered the ruins where an ancient civilization more than 300 years B.C. had settled, forming one of the first farming-pottering expressions of the Argentinean northwest.

Previously, there was the collector man who looked for his daily food in the earth and animal products.

The first permanent population settled down here and here was born the first Tucumán citizen.

Nowadays, it became one of the most visited tourist towns, mainly by young people who spend their vacations in this lovely place. El Mollar has hostelry, camping, family houses, cabins and places to enjoy outdoors, making long hiking or hill climbing to perceive from heights the permanent green of nature.

One of the main attractions is visiting Los Menhires archaeological reservation. Enigmatic inheritance belonging to Tafí culture, which bloomed 300 years B.C. until 800 A.C. It’s an exact demonstration of aesthetical sense and creativity of those Valley´ ancient inhabitants. Some stones are about 3 meters height (9.84 feet) with one of its faces engraved with symbolic designs, snakes and human figures. It’s assumed that these stones were spread out in the valley and moved many times, and that they would have a magic nature and a ceremonial purpose especially propitiatory of fertility, fecundity and religious brotherhood.

Another option is enjoying lying at the sun by La Angostura dike, which can be seen completely from any point at the village. This water mirror is ideal for practicing water sports such as windsurf, sky and jet sky. This place became a meeting point for performing championships related to various sports.


One of El Mollar´ main attractions is Los Menhires archaeological reservation, where there are fifty stones representing Tafi culture, gathered in La Sala, situated in the middle of the village.

The word “menhir” comes from a Celtic origin and means “long stone”, which was the name of European megaliths and became part of our archaeological literature trough naturalists who studied these stones at the end of XIX century. However, it seems more appropriate the term “huanca” or “wanka”, Quechuan word which means protector or benefactor of that place; in this case refers to monoliths as “huanca protectors” and propitiator of cattle and crops.

Originally, most of the stones actually in this reservation, were located in a 4 hectares ( ) area at both sides of El Rincón river, while others were in El Rincón, El Infiernillo, Río Blanco and Carapunco.

They were moved several times bringing negative consequences for their study and protection, because the required information necessary to understand their meaning wasn’t registered.

They were made in metamorphic rock, sometimes with inclusions of quartz and granite which are materials found around the whole valley.

The ones shaped with percussion, rubbing and wear and tear techniques, have human face representations.

Then we have zoomorphic ones: the represented animal is almost exclusively the feline and its representation is suggested through prominent ears from the upper portion of the stone or circular geometric drawings like skin spots. In some cases, there is a very insinuating phallic shape, and the oldest documents for the Andean region associate them with practices appropriate for life, and also with Huanta ancestor and the first settlings on the Valley.

The stones are 2,000 years old approximately, at the beginning of the Christian Age.


Water and wind velocity invite visitors to the practice of windsurf, kayak or rowing. Located in Tafí del Valle, was created to protect La Angostura dike, as well as kite surf and fishing.

This Reservation, located at the dike and La Angostura perilake area, was created in 1996. It’s situated in the middle of Tafí Valley, 2,000 metres above sea level (6,561 feet) and it has 600 hectares (1,482 acres) of extension. Its goal is to preserve and protect water and migratory birds, many of which are threatened by extinction or a reduced environment.

The reservation limits are: the Tafí river mouth, in La Angostura dike and Provincial Route 307. In this way, the preservation of annual migratory birds from high mountains as hibernation place as well as nesting places of a great amount of ducks and other water species, is possible.

Among the most important birds we can find: roan ducks, young magpies, parrots, cormorants, flamingos, Andean geese, mountain gulls, several species of bald coots, golden plovers, woodcocks, etc.


- Hostel Boca de la Quebrada
Includes: swimming pool, barbecue place, TV room.
Barrio El Porvenir
(+54 381) 156817633

- Hostal El Remanso
Includes: central heating, bar, restaurant.
Camino al Lago (Lake road) s/n
(03867) 491153


Continuing the road, leaving Tafí to the northwest, we find Abra del Infiernillo, where there used to be lodging (some cabins located on a hill’s slope in front of which there´s the majesty of Aconcagua). It’s a very recommendable place to visit and it’s only 15 minutes from Amaicha. At the highest point of the “abra” (which means an opening between two hills) the road goes into the place where clouds gather struggling (as well as cars do) to defeat highness and to flood the valley. They obviously succeed, but it’s difficult.


Outstanding place because of its bright sky without obstacles, which allow visitors to watch the stars like nowhere else in Argentina, and mainly most of the year.

Ampimpa is a natural balcony of the Yocavil or Santa Maria Valley, situated after passing El Infiernillo, and from which visitors can appreciate Amaicha del Valle.

It’s located 2,600 metres (8,530 feet) above sea level, and it has many paths to high Calchaquí mountains. It also offers an Astronomic Observatory where people can enjoy of an incredible sky.

After that, the town of Ampimpa, with only 60 houses, serves as a passing through to arrive to Amaicha del Valle, which is 8 kilometres (4.96 miles) away.

Tourist Services:

Address: Route 307 - Km 107
Telephone: (0054) 0381 - 156092286 or 156 091195
PC: 4137

Ampimpa Astronomic Observatory is located 150 kilometres (93 miles) from San Miguel de Tucumán, at 2,560 metres (8,398 feet) above sea level, in the Aconcagua mountain range.

The observatory was founded in 1985 for studying Halley Comet in its last pass through Earth. At that moment, the observatory initiated its activity as member of NASA - International Halley Watch, and they got the first Argentinean pictures of the comet on November, 17th, 1985.

The observatory area is located in Ampimpa, natural balcony to Santa Maria Valley facing Sierra de Quilmes or El Cajón, and limiting with Tucumán, Catamarca and Salta provinces. The geographical characteristics offer a transparent sky, permanently, without pollution nor light contamination, which allows optimum observations.
Nowadays, the observatory is 80% engaged in educational activities, making scientific camps. This experience is considered unique in the whole country, for the activities are of cultural interest.

This Observatory was declared Tourist Interest Site in January, 2003, by the Tourism and Sports Ministry.


- Activities guided by Observatory professionals.
- Conferences, Videos, and Workshops.
- Complete catering service (breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner)
- Open night cafeteria.
- Photographic trips with archaeological guides to Ruins of Quilmes: includes admission ticket and transportation.
- Press material: expedition guides, notes, bibliographical material.
- Possibility to take astrophotography, placing a camera against telescope.
- Comfortable cabin lodging. Individual bathrooms.
- Special transportation for high mountain.
- Attendance and participation certificate, equivalent to 50 class hours.
- Astronomic observations with observatory telescope.


- Informal country clothes. Winter coats. Mountain shoes. Sun hat.
- Sun filter with 15 FPS or higher.
- Medical fitness certificate: for staying one or two days at 2,500 metres above sea level. It must be presented in San Miguel de Tucumán, before expedition.
- Notebook: medium notebook, pen and pencils.
- Photographic equipment: the most varied cameras and accessories are recommended. Specially telephoto lens, format cameras: medium and large, besides the common 35 mm. ones.
- Accessories: different sensitivity photographic films. Very steady tripods, capable of comfortably orientate the camera to any point in the sky.


From Tafí del Valle, route 307 continues to Amaicha del Valle passing trough Abra del Infiernillo, which is 3042 meters (9,980 feet) above sea level from where you can have access to Santa Maria de Yocavil Valley.
Amaicha del Valle, which is situated 154 kilometres (95.69 miles) from Tucumán and 57 kilometres (35.41 miles) from Tafi del Valle, holds a piece of history in its privileged geography. Calchaquí Valleys amaze visitors in each section of its long trip with its shocking landscapes of colourful hills, and towns with lots of history about native culture.

Amaicha is an important part of this tourist trip. Its population is mainly rural and is about 1,509 people. Its climate is dry and fresh (mild summer and dry winter). This town is well-known for the good quality of its fruits and because it’s the only place of the province where “patero” wine (vino patero) is made.

Amaicha del Valle offers many places full of beauty and history: El Paso, Los Chañares, Salamanca, Los Colorados, La Salina, Los Corpitos and Ampimpa (where we can find the meteorological observatory); also Los Zazos, Tío Punco, Calimonte, Encalilla, Anjuana, Tala Paso (meeting point of “copleras” - ballad seller old women) and with its historical marks we can find El Bañado and Quilmes.

In Amaicha del Valle there is a place, like a shelter, which serves to look after its cultural roots´ relics. Its name is Complejo Museo Pachamama* (Pachamama* Museum) and is about 10.000 mts.² (107,639 feet²) with 3.000 covered mts² (32,280 ft²), located on Route 307, at the entrance of town. There are reproductions of diverse elements of Calchaquí Valley, which comprise historical periods ranging from 800 B.C.

Another main attraction of this town is Fiesta Nacional de la Pachamama (Pachamama National Festivity) which takes place in February every year, coincidental with Carnaval (carnival). This party takes a week and on the last day, the oldest women is chosen, who gets the name and legacy of La Pachamama (*Mother Earth), who she has to represent over a whole year until the next celebration takes place. Visitors also can buy regional products at the pascanas (stages - places where people sell regional food and products) located around the main town square.


* Hostels:
- El Portal de Amaicha
Includes breakfast.
Cabins, dorms and hostel.
Gas station with automatic cashier (Nation Bank - Banco Nación/ Red Link)
Provincial Route 307 - Km 117
PC: 4137
(03892) 421040 - 421140

- Nuestra Señora de Lourdes
Provincial Route 307 and Pasaje Bernardita
PC 4137
(03892) 421006

* Lodging:
- Hospedaje Amaicha
Rooms with private and collective bathrooms. Apartments, barbecue place, parking lot, trips.
Hipólito Irigoyen St. and Tupac Amarú St.
(03892) 421299

- Hospedaje El Aparcero
Regional food restaurant.
Hipólito Irigoyen St. Two blocks from town main square.
(03892) 421082

- Hospedaje Yanasucu
Rooms with private bathroom. Hot water all day. Trips.
Hipólito Irigoyen St.
710381 - 43679 / 155 892024

* Hostels:
- Hostal L´Apacheta
Rooms with private bathroom, hot water, parking lot.
Hipólito Irigoyen St. in front of town main square.
(03892) 421173

* Hostelry:
- Parador Quilmes
Breakfast and free access to Museum
Quilmes Ruins.
PC 4137
(03892) 421075

* Camping:
- La Coplerita Camping
- Los Algarrobos Camping
- Los Cardoncitos Camping

Tuesday, October 2, 2007



Tuesday, September 4, 2007

CLUE Nº 19

At about past eleven, the maid heard the front door opening again.this time it was Mrs Crabtree, who came into the kitchen and started to make cocoa fot herself and her husband.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Believe that the unborn child is human:

There are three questions that are basic to the entire abortion controversy:
The first is: "Is this human life?" As we will see, the answer clearly is Yes. That answer is a medical and scientific one, for we cannot impose a religious or philosophic belief in our nations through force of law. The second question is: "Should we grant equal protection by law to all living humans in our nation?" or,
"Should we allow discrimination against entire classes of living humans?"
The third question is about Choice and Women’s Rights.


For two millennia in our Western culture, written into our constitutions, specifically protected by our laws, and deeply imprinted into the hearts of all men and women, there has existed the absolute value of honoring and protecting the right of each human to live. This has been an unalienable and unequivocal right. The only exception has been that of balancing a life for a life in certain situations or by due process of law.
Court Decision in America and permissive abortion laws in other nations do all of the above. They represent a complete about-face, a total rejection of one of the core values of Western man, and an acceptance of a new ethic in which life has only a relative value. No longer will every human have a right to live simply because he or she exists. A human will now be allowed to exist only if he measures up to certain standards of independence, physical perfection, or utilitarian usefulness to others. This is a momentous change that strikes at the root of Western civilization. It makes no difference to vaguely assume that human life is more human post-born than pre-born. What is critical is to judge it to be — or not to be — human life. By a measure of "more" or "less" human, one can easily and logically justify infanticide and euthanasia. By the measure of economic and/or social usefulness, the ghastly atrocities of Hitlerian mass murders came to be. One cannot help but be reminded of the anguished comment of a condemned Nazi judge, who said to an American judge after the Nuremberg trials, "I never knew it would come to this." The American judge answered simply, "It came to this the first time you condemned an innocent life".
Belive that the abortion must be legal:

What percentage of rape pregnancies are aborted?
Less than half. The balance carry the baby to term. In one study of 37 rape pregnancies, 28 carried to term.

I'm not agree with abortion because in the meadle there is another life and a don`t think that kill this new life was the best idea.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Eye of Powerful Hurricane Reaches Mexico’s Coast

Hurricane Dean slammed into the Caribbean coast of Mexico on Tuesday as a roaring Category 5 hurrycane, the most intense Atlantic storm to make landfall in two decades. It lashed remote Mayan villages as it raced across the Yucatan Peninsula to the heart of Mexico's oil industry.
Dean's path was a stroke of luck for Mexico: After killing 13 people in the Caribbean, it made landfall along a sparsely populated coastline, well to the south of the major resorts where 50,000 tourists had been evacuated.
It weakened to a Category 1 storm, with maximum sustained winds of 85 mph, but was expected to grow back into a powerful hurricane as it draws fuel from the warm waters of the lower Gulf of Mexico, where more than 100 offshore oil platforms were evacuated ahead of the storm.
It had an expected storm surge of 12 to 18 feet above normal tides and dumped huge amounts of rain on low-lying areas where thousands of Mayan Indians live in stick huts in isolated communities.
Soldiers evacuated more than 250 small communities.
Some of the storm's strongest winds raked the state capital of Chetumal, where residents were ordered to stay home until 10 a.m. Tuesday after a harrowing night with windows shattering and heavy water tanks flying off of rooftops. Sirens wailed constantly as the storm battered the city for hours, hurling billboards down streets. All electricity was down.
Just across the border in Belize, trees fell and debris flew through the air. The government evacuated Caye Caulker and Ambergris Caye -- both popular with American tourists -- and ordered a dusk-to-dawn curfew from Belize City north to the Mexican border.
In the Belizean town of Corozal, about nine miles south of Chetumal, Dean flipped over a residential trailer, detached roofs from houses, ripped plywood off windows and spread floodwaters as high as 3 feet. No deaths or major injuries were reported there or in Belize City, where thousands evacuated to higher ground.
Dean's path takes it directly through the Cantarell oil field, Mexico's most productive, with dozens of oil rigs and three major ports. All were shut down just ahead of the storm, resulting in a production loss of 2.7 million barrels of oil and 2.6 billion cubic feet of natural gas a day.

I think that this tipe of things could happen more frecuently if the human being don't realize that the embiroment is very important in the world.
The factories should take measures about the ambiental polution and realize that this is a very big problem.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

TuCuMaN iNsOmNiA

The article tell about the different places that Tucuman have to go before to going dance.This text also shows the "Nocturne Life" that Tucuman have.
One of the places that you can go is Plaza de Almas:this is the core of de night life.It started as a regional goods boutique with half a dozen table and now it is a mega housefor multiple events.New spaces opened according to demand, art workshop days redefined and the boutique expanded and diversified its offers.They have finally arrived to its maxium capacity with its 110 tables that go from its new small terrace to the last hidden corner of the graund floor.
Other importants places are:
*Mago and Mc polo bars:this are adolecents' bastions, wherethe look passers by at the price of beer and sandwiches.
*La Bernasconi Restaurant
*Dublin Pub
*Setimio Wine Bar
*Belfast Restaurant
Next to Plaza is Waldo, a huge house with a beatiful blacksmith's workshops, walls with visual effects, music and young bubbliness.
All of this palces are ones of the mos imortant but the Tucuman offet don't end yet.Trere are a lot of places for different tipes of generations and status.

My Personal Reaction:

I think that the article is very important for the turist because its shows different types of places and alternatives that the people could do and meet.Also show a different Tucuman and the importan night life that have.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Empty spaces fill me up with holes
distant faces with no plece left to go
without you, within me, I can't find no rest
where I'm going is anybody's guess

I've tried to go on like I never knew you
I'm awake, but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
but withaut you all I'm going to be is INCOMPLETE

Voices tell me I should carri on
but I am swimming in a ocean all alone
baby, my baby
is written on your face
you still wonder if we made a big mistake

I don't mean to drag it on, but I can't seem to let you go
I don't wanna make you face this world alone
I wanna let you go

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Me in 50 words

I just turned 19 .At first, when I meet someone new, I'm not very talkative (because I'm shy) but then, when I get know someone better, I'm very friendly and confident with him/her.
I've 1 younger brother.I've been studying TOURISM since last year and I love it.

Summary of my Article

This article shows the importance of this problem nowadays and how this is being introduced in our society.
I recomend to all the teenagers to read it!!!because is one way to know the simptoms and the problems that these illnesses could bring.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Anorexia Nervosa:the relentless persuit of thinness


The article talk about the desorders and problems involving with food like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.This type of problems affects teenagers mostly.
In this type of problem,people:
*Refuses ti mantein a normal body weight.
*Girls doesn't mestruate in the appropiate age,and in women the period stop.
*Is terrified of become fat.
*Is terrified of gaining weigth
The anorexia nervosa also includes feelings like depression,irritability, etc. and behaviours like compulsive rituals,strange eating habits and division of food in "GOOD AND HEALTHY" and "BAD FOOD AND DANGEROUS OR UNHEALTHY".
Other type of eating desosrder is bulimia nervosa.In this type of problem people:
*Feel out of control when they eat food.
*Provoques vomits.
*Ingerit laxatives.
*Do lots of hours of sports.
Like the anorexia,bulimia can kill.
Bulimics are often depressed,lonely,ashamed and empty inside.Apart of that they haver problems to tell other person they feelings and secrets.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


When I was a little girl(one year) I used to live with my family in La Moraleja(Salta)and every time we came to visit my granmother here in Tucuman,I used to talk a lot with the bus driver.
Later,when I came to live here in Tucuman(in Las Talitas9,I used to have a lot of friends and play every day with them.These games consisted of cooking with mud,jumping the elastic and riding a bike.We had a lot of fun!!!
I remember when I went to primary school in Guillermina's school I disn't have any friends because they were very competitive and selfish with me and I didnn't like that.So,when I was 10,my parents sent me to another school called Suizo,and there I felt better!.There I had many friends and we see each other frecuently.
Other things that I used to do during my childhood was to watch XUXA and Chiquititas(these were my favorites programmes),a lot of cartoons and I ate a lot of candies.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Hi!!!!! my name is Lorena I am 19 years old and I study Turism in UNSTA.I live in Tucuman since I was born anda I love my city.
I am a very shy person but despite of that I have o lot a friends.
So,I hope you like my simple blog to everibody!!!!