Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Anorexia Nervosa:the relentless persuit of thinness


The article talk about the desorders and problems involving with food like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.This type of problems affects teenagers mostly.
In this type of problem,people:
*Refuses ti mantein a normal body weight.
*Girls doesn't mestruate in the appropiate age,and in women the period stop.
*Is terrified of become fat.
*Is terrified of gaining weigth
The anorexia nervosa also includes feelings like depression,irritability, etc. and behaviours like compulsive rituals,strange eating habits and division of food in "GOOD AND HEALTHY" and "BAD FOOD AND DANGEROUS OR UNHEALTHY".
Other type of eating desosrder is bulimia nervosa.In this type of problem people:
*Feel out of control when they eat food.
*Provoques vomits.
*Ingerit laxatives.
*Do lots of hours of sports.
Like the anorexia,bulimia can kill.
Bulimics are often depressed,lonely,ashamed and empty inside.Apart of that they haver problems to tell other person they feelings and secrets.

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